The age at which a pet is considered a senior can vary depending on factors such as species, breed, lifestyle, health and size.
Generally, for dogs:
- Small breeds are considered seniors around 7-9 years old
- Medium-sized breeds around 6-8 years old
- Large or giant breeds around 5-7 years old
- For cats, they are typically considered seniors around 8-10 years old.
We recommend senior pets have checkups at least twice ayear to ensure they stay as happy and healthy as possible.
A few things to discuss with your vet:
• Diet and supplements - Nutritional needs, digestive efficiency, andother factors change with age. There are some dog foods designed for seniors.Also, many old dogs can benefit from a supplement like glucosamine for joints,omega-3 fatty acids for a variety of health benefits, and other supplements.
• Changes in behaviour - It’s important to have a veterinary consultation for any behaviour change to rule out medical problems, rather than assuming it’s “just old age.” Even for “normal” ageing issues, like arthritis and cognitive dysfunction.
• Maintaining a healthy weight - This goes a long way to reducing pressure on your dog’s joints. You may also need to alter the amount and type of the exercise to ensure they are getting enough, without overdoing it.
• Grooming and nail trims - Some dogs need additional help keeping theirfur and skin healthy. They might need more frequent nail trims since they’reless active. And arthritic dogs might require pain medication prior to a grooming appointment.
Home monitoring, regular checkups, and some TLC can goa long way toward keeping an older dog happy and healthy—potentially extending their lifespan while maintaining quality of life.
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